T.O.P. Programs
Torah Outreach Project of Rockland County
Couples Club
Here’s a session to look forward to: A monthly get-together of married couples in a comfortable, informal setting. It’s a friendly ‘evening out’, accented by exciting guest speakers, light refreshments, and the sparkle of good, meaningful conversation.

Weekly Torah Classes
The time is Tuesday evenings at 8:30, the topic is ‘How to Apply Jewish Thought and Values to Contemporary Circumstances’. You’ll find this class both challenging and informative. The setting is informal, and there is a lot of teacher/student interaction. Anyone can come, and there is no admission fee.

T.V. Program
Weekly Cable T.V. program entitled: “Torah Forum” by the world renown lecturer Rabbi Manis Friedman.
Day: Thursday
Time: 9:00-10:00 P.M.
Channel: TKR Cable 28 – 30

T.O.P. also features:
- Lending Library of books and tapes
- Bar Mitzvah lessons
- Counseling services
- Help koshering kitchens
- We can also make religious articles available to you such as tefillin, mezuzahs, etc. at cost price.

Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club for men meets every Sunday. There’s plenty of delicious food, inspiring speakers, and warm, friendly conversation. There is no charge involved, so just come … and bring a friend!

Holiday CelebrationsEvery Jewish holiday is accompanied by special, festive gatherings. Programs at such get-togethers vary, and may include anything from concerts to picnics; puppet shows to video presentations; book fairs and craft shows to banquets and holiday dances.

Social EventsSaturday Night Dinners Club – an evening filled with great and meaningful entertainment, lively exchange of ideas, friendly atmosphere, and, as always, abundant good food. Don’t miss these special events!Cruising on the River – Spring-time scenic cruise on the Hudson River on a spacious yacht – lively entertainment accented by exciting guest speakers.